
※この画像はイメージです。研究内容とは関係ありません。(出典 UnsplashのThomas Tが撮影)

Update Information(更新情報)

May20, 2023 "A New Primality Test and Prime Factorization by Multiplication" (in English) is now available on this website.
"A New Primality Test and Prime Factorization by Multiplication" (英語版)を本サイトで公開しました。
May20, 2023 A revised version of "Methods for Determining Prime Numbers by Multiplication Alone and Prime Factorization of Composite Numbers" is now available on this website.
April 26, 2023 This website was opened to the public.
December 21, 2019 The website "D38 Alumni Association of Nagoya Institute of Technology" run by a friend of mine has published a method for determining prime numbers by multiplication only and a prime factorization method for composite numbers (in Japanese).
友人が運営するウェブサイト 「名工大 D38同窓会」 に「掛け算のみによる素数確定方法と合成数の素因数分解法(日本語)」を掲載いただきました。